My journey of weight loss

Monday, April 23, 2007


Its about time!!!! I lost two pounds today... even with the ice cream mistake yesterday there is some hope after all.. yes yes yes yes yes!!!!

so today i moved a bunch of boxed from my moms office to her house (some exercise) loading and unloading... then i had to run around for my ex boss and get him a new cell phone Palm Treo for his business trip becuase he didnt want to take his computer with him...

and now i am watching the ever stressfull Canucks hockey game... its 2 to 1 for us and 9 mins to go...aggg stress... i dont do well during these events. I was even worse during the olympic canada hockey game. And i think i have lost my voice from yelling at the screen... OMG!



rice pilaf 1/2 cup - 2.5
beef - 2.5
greek salad - 1.5
small pita- 1


Chicken Cordonblu - 13
corn 2/3cup - 1.5
mashed potatoes 1 cup- 7

total 29
could still have a 2 pt bryers icecream

trying to get to 31 pts today we'll see if i feel like eating it later

ok ok 5 mins left now.......


Lindsay said...

man where does everyone find these 2pt breyers ice cream things??
I have had no success finding them :(

Congrats on the loss! 2 pounds, wow thats amazing!! Keep it up girl!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the loss this week! what does that make, like almost 40 pounds since november? that's awesome! :o)

Anonymous said...

amazing loss...that is fantastic!!!Go Canucks, if the Habs aren't playing at least I'll root for another Canadian team :)