My journey of weight loss

Friday, January 12, 2007


School has kept me very busy this past week so i've not had the time to really follow up on here... Took the puppy to the vet he's good but needs to beef up due to being malnutritioned before we got him. so hes on special puppy food and some meds to make sure he stays healthy and then goes back on Tuesday for his first set of shots... other than that he is doing very well. though he is chewing through everything in the house.. last night it was my dads workout shorts. he wasn't that impressed and now i have to go and get him a new pair lol...

So school is going well... its intensive at points but i think as the weeks go bye i will get used to it again (i've not been in school for the past year) and i submitted to my teachers that i would like to go to a kindergarten class for my observation which i think starts in two weeks or so. I don't know if i will get placed there but i did ask to stay in the primary levels which will keep me at least K-3. My teaching focus is supposed to be Special Needs but the way they have formatted the way to get certified as a teacher i have to either get certified as elementary or high school teacher and then will go back at get an extra degree in special needs. so as a compromise i have asked to try and be placed with a teacher who has had some experience with teaching special needs children of some sort so that i can pick their brains as i observe them teaching. I'm excited to start that... and little scared too though.

Tomorrow i am off to a funeral my great aunt passed away this week so i am going to victoria for the day. Sunday i have work and then i have school and my weigh in on Monday. I dont know exactly when i will get my home work done... i'm thinking sometime on the ferry trip. Until then... hope your weeks all go well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.